Thursday, June 18, 2009

ProClose - Don't settle for less

These days, there are clients, customers and buyers. It's important to know the difference between the three. Clients are earned through and depend upon relationships. There is a trust factor between the parties. Customers are end users who view you as a commodity and could care less whether it's you or someone else, as long as they get from A to B. Buyers are shoppers. They are bottom line "price" people. It matters little to them who is providing the service, as long as they are a viable company offering a good bulk discount. They will easily jump to another vendor if the tide changes.

ProClose users are clients. This means they have a vested interest in what we do and how we deliver our service. They value the relationship and the depend on the careful and personal attention. So when it comes to providing them with the absolute best in class, nothing can can stand in the way of our delivering limousine service.

We're passionate about this. We built our product so that Lenders can get the loans moved to closing with as much efficiency as possible, with near-zero error tolerance. With its XML MISMO data structure for easy data transfer, its built-in Compliance Ease portal to guarantee mortgage compliance safety, and the bevy of qualified mortgage staff to give personal assistance on any loan, ProClose is the ONLY product a lender can really trust.

Why settle for less....? Closers deserve it, Lenders demand it, and Borrowers depend on it.

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